You might think that vegetarian food, maintain a healthy complement each other, this is not always the case. According to a vegetarian you limit yourself to what extent, you may be missing in your diet important vitamins and minerals. Let us, in varying degrees of vegetarian beginning of the study, and then how to maintain a healthy vegetarian diet.
* Semi-vegetarians: those who eat milk, eggs, poultry and fish, but no red meat.
* Pesco vegetarians eat milk, eggs and fish, but no other meat.
* Milk custard vegetarians eat dairy products and eggs, but no other animal products.
* Milk and dairy products, vegetarians to enjoy, but no other animal products.
* Vegetarians eat eggs, milk and eggs, but no other animal foods.
* Vegetarian is the most extreme vegetarian. They did not eat any dairy products, eggs, or any other animal products.
Because the most strict vegetarian diet, they are in the right vitamins and minerals is inadequate, they diet the biggest risk. The biggest risk is being vegetarian is a deficiency of vitamin B - 12. This is a potentially very dangerous vitamin deficiency, because it may cause serious mental problems, and even permanent nerve damage.

Vitamin B - 12 uptake increased demand during pregnancy, the breast will be at such times, even when subjected to these pressures in their lives, physical times, feeding, so there is a vegetarian vitamin B - 12 deficiency.
Who dairy vegetarian vitamin D consumption, mainly from the lack of security, but those who do not eat any dairy products may be subject to conditions, such as rickets for children, adult osteoporosis.
Iron is another vegetarian concerns. An iron deficiency can cause anemia. As vegetarians usually eat fiber, high content of soybean and wheat bran in their diet, they may think they are in their programs receive adequate iron, but there are high-fiber diet, iron has a difficult time being absorbed into the bloodstream河流.
Well, I do not want to paint a bleak vegetarian lifestyle, but pointed out its shortcomings. There are things, any degree of vegetarians can keep themselves healthy.
How to maintain a healthy vegetarian diet is to take certain measures to ensure that your health. The following is to maintain a healthy vegetarian lifestyle a few examples:

* Take a multivitamin to ensure that the daily vitamins and minerals, it is difficult to extract the source from plants growing to your system in another way.
* To get your adequate intake of calcium, eating calcium-rich foods such as nuts, seeds, broccoli, beans and cabbage.
* To ensure that you get enough vitamin B - 12, to eat B - 12 enhanced soybean products, cereals, as well as B - 12 to add.
* To increase your vitamin D intake in the sun to spend time every day! The sun is the best source of natural vitamin D, you can also add vitamin D to strengthen your diet margarine.

* To ensure that you get your adequate intake of iron, eat these foods: iron, such as tofu, bread and cereals, beans, green leafy vegetables, fruits and nuts. If you want to boost your iron intake, make sure your diet of vitamin C, to increase the capacity of the body's iron-rich foods to eat.
How to maintain a healthy vegetarian diet, without difficulties, but you have to make preparations. If you have questions about how to improve your health, any problems, do not shy consult your doctor to make sure you eat the right foods, maintain good health.