Tuesday, August 31, 2010

China's Medicinal Tea: Pu-erh Tea Health Benefits

Restorative and medical properties associated with Bo tea, and smell the really amazing. Often referred to as the Tonic "miracle" and "tea medical," was tea Bo - welcomes very popular in China for more than 1700 years. For centuries and was presented as tribute to the emperor and senior officials in the imperial courts of China. Gave a high value and many health benefits lead to higher demand and reportedly greeting address "a salute to the tea."

Have been documented accounts for health and medicinal benefits of the use of tea Bo - are welcomed in the writings of various ancient and books famous in Chinese history. And strongly believes tea Bo - welcomes a wide range of health benefits of anti-aging, prevention of heart disease and cancer, and the fight against diabetes, and detoxification for the treatment of diarrhea, inflammation, and help digestion and weight loss, improve blood circulation of sight, and to revive those who are overly intoxicated with alcohol .

It is believed that the long-term consumption of tea, Bo - are welcomed to help reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels and play an important role in the prevention of heart disease and cancer. Bo tea - made from trees, smell the wild old tea is reputed to be more powerful, containing strong Qi (translated as "life energy" "or" life force ") to assist in blood circulation in the body and help remove toxins.

In many traditional Chinese restaurants especially those serving dim sum dishes, tea Bo - welcomes is the customary drink served. Its ability to break down food and oily and fatty aid digestion makes it perfect for drinking, along with delicious Chinese dishes are often high in fat. After a heavy meal drinking tea, welcomes Poe is said to help clean the intestines and stomach. In some circles and used tea Bo, and smell the slimming tea and consumed to help lose weight.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Three natural herbs are used to control and lower blood sugar levels

Although it is difficult, usually type 2 diabetes and will do everything they need to do to reduce levels of sugar in the blood. Diabetics make every effort to follow the healthy eating plan, increasing physical activity and may even include herbs in their own treatment plan to help insulin resistance. Has demonstrated all of these actions to help weight loss and low levels of sugar in the blood. So why chose herbal medicines?

The use of herbal medicine can treat many diseases of the body without serious side effects. A tradition which dates back thousands of years. Not only can herbs lower blood sugar levels but also can reduce type 2 diabetes is damage to your body. While herbs are not the only way to reduce the proportion of sugar in the blood, it is ideal for you to be included in the plan of your treatment. However, before you include the herbal medicine and it is a good idea to check with your doctor what herbs may be contraindicated with some medications that may be with other health conditions, such as high blood pressure.

Three natural herbs are used to control and lower blood sugar levels as follows:

Bitter Melon: Watermelon is the bitter fruit of choice in the form of a green gourd with like bumps all over its surface. Is it really does not look pretty. Often eaten as a vegetable in Asia but has been used widely immature bitter melon in folk medicine. Scientific evidence shows bitter melon has the ability to reduce blood sugar levels in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Monitor the bitter melon is composed of several compounds which have effects blood sugar, these compounds have an effect similar to insulin so that care be taken when this herb, including in the plan of your treatment. Bitter melon improves glucose tolerance and can reduce the symptoms of diabetes type 2. Can be added fresh juices or decoctions are the preferred forms and cinnamon to improve the flavor. And can instead can buy bitter melon supplements in health food stores.

Cinnamon: The Modern Science and an examination of the benefits of cinnamon, I have found to be among the best fighters to achieve a reduction in blood sugar levels by increasing the activity of insulin. The decreased levels of sugar in the fasting levels of 18-29% among people with cinnamon. Also, decreased levels of cholesterol by 7 to 27%, and triglyceride levels were reduced by 23 to 30%. You can sprinkle cinnamon powder on your fresh fruit or oatmeal. Ground spices, cinnamon is less expensive than capsules.

Gymnema Sylvestra: This is the herb of the Ayurvedic medical traditions of India and used for centuries to neutralize the sugar overload. Some research in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes and found that they can increase the secretion of insulin from the pancreas private. Gymnema Sylvestre can be slow, also decreased the absorption rate of sugar in your digestive system ... Of course, it will be all of these interactions lead to low levels of sugar in the blood.

This is so very bitter tasting herb supplements are usually recommended. A dose of 75-150 mg. Of sylvestra gymnema standard set forth in many cases is a day.

As you can see, and some drugs the most promising alternative to reduce the levels of sugar in the blood come from nature.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Improve Your Health With a Natural Herbal Cleanse

Digestive Health is of great importance to your well-being. And derives all the energy you need for the life of your food. It is important to maintain your diet and your health in the digestive system in good condition if you get the most of your life. With so many pollutants and harmful substances encountered in daily life is often difficult to know what can be done to reduce the effects of this on your body.

The simple fact is that your body knows how to keep themselves in better health, and you do not need to worry about any horror stories, such as heavy metal poisoning or other conditions. I'm not saying that there are no contaminants in the body, simply that there are natural ways to completely reverse the effects of all types of today's hectic life. Taking some herbs simple example of what can help you achieve health and a balanced and strong.

Often considered a mere weed and dandelion, especially in the root, and help support the functions of the liver, which stimulates the release of toxins that can be absorbed. Another common food is the apple after the noble, and play a role purify the blood and kidney tonic also contains pectin, which has the ability to link triglycerides, prevent the absorption in the intestine.

Meadowsweet, plant from which aspirin is derived digestive tonic, and the great paradox here is that aspirin in high doses and often cause irritation. Nature always knows best, and pharmaceutical companies seems to be missed this point.

Aloe Vera leaf is another digestive tonic that helps to cleanse the blood and support the stomach, liver and bowel function.

It uses Cascara Sagrada bark to stimulate the secretions of the digestive system and speed up transit in the digestive system, although their use in isolation may have unpleasant side effects. In the use of controlled side by side with other natural ingredients can be valuable digestive tonic.

English plantain herb is a calming of the intestines, and helps to break down the plaque, and this could be a material on the walls of the intestine. The colon produces mucus is normal, but this may become excessive if the colon becomes irritated.

Ginger root helps to ease nausea, bloating and gas. It also contains a number of vehicles of anti-virus software.
Garlic has the potential anti-viral, and work against fungi and anti-bacteria, and to consider the winter time prevention and treatment of influenza.

Bentonite clay is highly absorbent, with the ability to link with 40 times its weight in toxins. It can be used as a treatment by topical application on the skin, and is used commercially in creams and bath products and other skin treatment related. Bentonite clay can also be taken by oral ingestion and as inert can eliminate the toxins and link normally. It is said that not only is capable of bentonite clay to absorb toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides, but also able to link the disease-causing viruses.

This is not an exhaustive list by any means, and basically cover the herbs that can cleanse and remove toxins from the body internally by ingestion. Dragon's blood (Croton lechleri), for example, helps heal wounds at a rate significantly increased. Products that use these ingredients and organic produce, or better still reap the benefits of this land will provide the kind intended.

Known indigenous peoples in all parts of the world healing properties of its natural environment, and understanding that often go beyond what modern medicine has to offer. It is easy to forget in these days of tension and pressure, as fatigue and pain seems to be natural that the high energy strong health and childish are not achievable, but in fact the right of birth. Seek joy in whatever you do, happiness, health and right for you before, take hold of them at every opportunity.

Health Benefits of Herbal Teas - Three to Consider

Eastern cultures have used herbal tea to treat disease for many centuries. It is only recently that Western culture had begun to begrudgingly accept that there may be some truth in the treatment and the use of herbal tea and supplements. The best thing to do, in my opinion is to take the best of both words. Use of "modern science", and the ancient secrets to get the full benefits in the treatment are affecting you.

One benefit of tea and clear is that you do not take supplements in the form of pills or tablets. Tea in the herbal supplements enter the bloodstream more quickly, and you do not have problems with swallowing pills, and some can be quite large. The following are three types of tea are commonly used and very good for you and have the additional benefit of great taste (in the opinion of most people, anyway).

Valerian tea has been used to address a range of conditions and there, mostly related to the nervous system. I've found that certainly relaxes me when I try to shift pressure from the working day. I have found some people that actually helps them sleep better at night. (I personally use melatonin for this purpose, but this gets away from the subject of herbal tea.) Valerian tea also said to help in the digestion process, including issues cramping and indigestion. Think of it as a natural alternative to the type of drugs pink bismuth. For best results while the use of brewing steaming water, not boiling hot water.

Is a single action of tea and herbs more popular with Echinacea. Echinacea, in pill form, has become more and more popular, and can be found in most grocery and discount stores, but once again, if you take it in tea, which is more quickly absorbed into your system. It is said that the regular use of echinacea tea to stimulate the "T cells" (not to be confused with tea and between cells) and helps increase the production of interferon. T cells and interferon are important components of the immune system.

Hawthorn herbal tea is the third and we are talking about in this article. Hawthorn has been known to help the health of the heart and blood vessels. And can help with circulation and can even help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Added bonus that this is also an antioxidant.

As is the case with any type of supplements should be discussed with your doctor and use at the first sign of reactions stop. Can be for some people, allergies, and test even a small amount by the "jump" to it. Herbal tea can become an integral part of your lifestyle and a healthy way to get away from chemistry is abnormal in all that has invaded our lives.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

4 Health Benefits of Running

The health benefits of jogging have very far-reaching implications. Jogging is not only a great way to keep your body running smoothly, but your mind as well. The numerous studies have shown that people who participate in healthy activities such as jogging, and self-esteem, and much more positive attitudes about themselves and life in general.

Jogging is the simplest exercise you can do. If comes naturally and anyone can participate. The only thing to remember is to start gradually. Most of the problems related to running, because the individual tried to do more than their bodies physically prepared for, or not warm enough. Always start with a slow, short program and as it gets in your body condition, and gradually and choose your own pace and go longer distances.

Jogging with a large number of health benefits. The following are four of the health benefits of running more prevalent and a brief explanation of each.

1 - strengthens the heart and improves your system cardiovascular - heart is a muscle, like any other muscle exercise more to give it the stronger it gets. As you run to work hard to supply oxygen in the body. Because it pumps more difficult because it increases not only in strength, but can not help maintain the pressure and arteries cleaned out, and reduce your chances of a heart attack.

2 - to improve your system's respiratory system - When you first start you will find you out of breath fairly easily if you were not already in good physical shape than other types of exercise. If you are still running on a regular basis you will find you can run faster and longer periods. This is because the capillaries in the lungs is to get the most health from growing blood supplies.

3 - Strengthening the muscles and burns calories - As you jog you use many of the muscles in the body. While these active muscle that will burn a much larger amount of calories than if you were just sitting or even walking. This helps you keep your weight down and a strong body. Obesity and lack of exercise are risk factors for diabetes. And running will be a giant step in helping to prevent this serious health problem.

4 - gives you strong bones - Jogging puts pressure on your skeleton and stimulate an increase in bone density. It will be thicker and less fragile than would greatly improve the chances of avoiding bone diseases such as osteoporosis in later.

The health benefits of jogging extends beyond this short article can cover, but hopefully you now have some basic knowledge of running that we can do for you. If you feel you are completely out of shape, you probably want to go to the doctor first for tests and get advice from professionals.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fruits and Some of Its Health Benefits

With Western diets, which revolve around many of the junk foods high fat, fruit and health benefits is not something that should be ignored. Consume a lot of fruit in your diet is an excellent way to maintain health and reduce the chances of developing life-threatening disease.

The health benefits of fruit is enormous. Most of the fruit packed full of vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients that occur naturally. By making sure we eat enough fruits as part of a healthy diet, and we provide our bodies with armor to withstand the daily bombardment of toxins from pollution. Fruit can also provide the nutrients necessary to help us deal with the pressures of modern life.

Have proved to many scientific studies that people who choose to include more fruit in their diet are less likely to serious health problems such as coronary heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes, all of which are endemic in the modern world. But, in addition to act as a preventive aid against a serious disease, and fruit also contains nutrients that help the body fight infection and repair damaged cells.

As well as vitamins and minerals, and fruits contain antioxidants which are very important in the fight against serious diseases such as cancer. Antioxidants work by preventing free radicals from attacking the body. These so-called free radicals are responsible for the harmful cells, which can cause many diseases including heart disease and Alzheimer's. Can be caused by free radical production by many factors, including pollution, alcohol, and cigarette smoke. By eating enough fruit, can help to prevent free radicals that damage cells.

Fruit also contains plenty of fiber, which is very important to maintain order in the human digestive system functioning properly. Packed full of dieting and fruits can help the body to expel waste efficiently, which contains toxins that can lead to cancer of the colon and intestines.

Eat at least five servings of fruit a day is much better than the diet with supplements. It is also a much tastier option. There are many types of fruits to choose from and most supermarkets stock a lot of exotic fruits and delicious fruit as well as the more familiar we are accustomed to.

As well as many of the health benefits of fruit, and include enough fruit in your diet is a great way to lose weight. Fruit full of fiber which helps the body feel full after eating a meal. This stops snacking, which is the downfall of many diets on the basis of calorie restricted. Because the fruit is healthy for that, you can eat much of it as you wish without consuming a lot of calories. Instead of snacking on chips or candy between meals, you can try eating a piece of fruit instead. Not only is this a much healthier alternative, and will also help to control any cravings for sugary snacks insidious.

Although the fresh fruit is the best, any kind of fruit will do. You can try dried fruit and canned fruit, or fruit juice. It is easy to make fruit a part of your diet, fun, and increase the amount of fruit you eat in your daily diet, and you will soon see what the health benefits of fruit can make the difference.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Health Benefits of Organic Herbal Teas

Are producing all kinds of organic herbal tea (green, black, and tea), Camellia sinensis plant using different methods.

New leaves from the plant Camellia sinensis of steam for the production of herbal green tea, and brewed and usually drunk and drinks, although they can be taken in capsule form, is sometimes used in leather products.

Organic herbal tea is well known for its antioxidant properties, along with anti-inflammatory properties and their own fight against cancer.

Organic herbal tea and extremely popular today, due to the very method of growth and treatment, which goes a long way to protect our natural resources, rather than draining.

Also classified into organic, grown and herbal tea on the land that was free from the use of synthetic fertilizers and growth regulators, insecticides or herbicides for a period of not less than three years, so methods such as composting, crop rotation, planting things to control weeds and pests, and all using soil regeneration, by farmers to maintain the health and preservation of our planet.

What distinguishes organic black tea, black tea is normal that it is free of pesticides, and grow by using the methods mentioned above.

Herbal tea is famous for its black and red in color and clear, bright, strong smell and taste mellow, and it was ready with the tea of high quality organic tea plantation ecosystems on the mountain in southwestern China. It comes from the same plant Camellia Sinensis, green tea, but the only difference is in the process of fermentation of black tea's, and more oxidative species, green, Oolong and white.

People who have been drinking herbal tea organic for some time, it is clear that given the benefits of this tea organically, such as bacteria have the ability to destroy, which can help prevent food poisoning, which may also be glad to know that green tea can even help prevent tooth decay, and can also kill bacteria that cause dental plaque.

Evidence has shown clearly in the herbal tea of the world, that there are health benefits are endless green tea and black organic herbs.

Many scientists believe that there is a relationship between each of the components of green tea, and these properties together account for health promotion in the properties, and their popularity will continue to rise as scientists learn more about these medicinal benefits.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Health Benefits of Herbal Tea

Of all the uses, herbs have, most people's favorite use is tea. The joy of tea making and drinking seem relaxing in itself. Herbal teas have been used for decades as a medicinal treatment.

Creating a tea for medicinal purposes, is essentially the same as for taste and culinary pleasures. Ritual, which goes into the preparation of tea is sometimes the best medicine of all. Deceleration of the body and mind has great health benefits. My favorite tea is from China and as a dried tea leaves steep to be opened up into beautiful petals. Perfect for slowing down the mind and the mediation. Holding a warm cup, inhaling scent is soothing and healing in nature.

Ritual or process of tea for medicinal purposes, are almost identical. Most herbalist recommend to use an ounce of herbs to one pint of water and steep for 10-20 minutes. As a rule of thumb, if you use fresh herbs for dried herbs poetry of the fresh herbs is double what the recipe calls for dried herbs.

Depending on what part of the herb that is used to make tea will have more role in how the tea is ready than the difference between culinary and medicinal. If you are using flowers or leaves a procedure is the same as they tend to keep the healing virtues as the teas. However, if the root or bark is used more than just soaking is needed. In most cases you have to actually cook the root or bark for three ot five minutes before dipping normal 10-20 minutes. In both cases, you may want to strain the tea before drinking.

In the preparation of medicinal tea, it is import to ensure that much of the medicinal properties are captured in the water as possible because the bridge herbalist recommend that you cover tea as it steeps to capture the benefits of herbs ani Being evaporated into the air.

Some of the more commonly known teas that are currently used for medicinal purposes are chamomile, which is good for digestion and disposal, borage tea, which is good for relieving stress, rosemary tea that relieves headaches and colds, sage tea helps with colds and fever, and catnip tea, which can alleviate colic.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Herbal Teas - Drink Your Way to Health and Relaxation

If you want a unique but effective way to relax or improve your health, you should consider a wide variety of herbal home or office. Infusion are not known for its many health benefits of tea drinking habits but are also known for the mind and relax the whole body systems.

There are many herbal teas. You can easily buy health stores, online retailers and even some local pharmacies. They come in different flavors and different brews. You need to just kind of herbal tea if you want to enjoy many of them at home, at work or on travel choice.

Prepare herbal tea can come in two different ways. You can choose the traditional method of brewing tea? using tea leaves. You can boil water and let the leaves to let them taste your hot water. Do you want a convenient way to enjoy tea, you can opt for a more modern method of using tea bags. There are many commercial teas that are purchased in individually wrapped tea bags. Get a tea bag from the box and immerse them in boiled or warm water and enjoy great tasting herbal tea in seconds. Tea bags are also useful if you crave a cup of hot tea, between and after meals away from home. If you want to drink tea on the table, or even in your hotel room, simply connect cod teabag in a cup of hot water and you can start to drink you have to cook.

If you already have a busy day at work, then drink a cup of hot herbal tea can be very relaxing ritual at home. You do not spend much time preparing. With your herbal tea, you can practically feel both physical and mental fatigue. Herbal tea is also great to drink after a meal. If you've ever eaten too much to drink a cup of hot tea after you take the bloating.

Herbal tea is not only a great drink to relax or to relieve your bloating. Cup is also great for boosting your health. You will not have to fill your body with some form of unhealthy ingredients such as ready-to-drink tea from all natural tea leaves. For this reason, one cup a day is also a good way to detoxify. If you wish, healthy and inexpensive way to clean, then with sufficient supply of your favorite tea is best.

You do not spend too much just relax, or to obtain needed health promotion. You do not spend much time at the spa just feel lighter and energetic. With a steaming cup of tea, your body and mind can be revived. Of course this does not mean that this healthy ritual must be unbearable. With many flavors herbal teas, you can certainly enjoy a delicious cup of tea.

Health Benefits of Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicines are increasingly the choice of most patients today. The promise of preserving the natural qualities that a healthier way of healing various diseases have contributed to the popularity of these drugs. Moreover, since these types of medicines are grown wild or may be registered in a home garden, it is cheaper compared to manufactured drugs.

What really are herbal medicines and how can we benefit from them?

Herbal medicine is the alternative to commercially produced medicines being made available in the market. Herbal medicine differs from modern medicine when it is produced with 100% content of natural plant extracts for medicinal values believed as effective as modern medicines fewer side effects and costs are lower. There are popular herbal plants in the Philippines today is widely used for various diseases, ampalaya, bayabas, sambong, Banaba includes luyang dilaw and treat others. Here are some of the approved and recommended herbal medicines of the Ministry of Health. Given this, there are benefits that can already be identified, confirming the belief of the DOH on the effectiveness of these drugs as follows:

· All-natural qualities. At this point, when many of the commercially available products adverse effects on health is very te dat we are trying to protect, the safest bet komen the products market and reflected the natural way. In the selection of these products, we reduce our risk exposure to these negative effects.

· Easily available. In tropical countries like the Philippines, we have an abundance of these plants and herbs. We have access to the resources we need for the preparations and potions necessary for the herbal preparation. For example, bayabas, ampalaya, malunggay Luya and backyard plants are considered. They are home-grown plants require little attention. This makes them easily available and cheap. It is only required to Filipino families to prepare herbal plants that plague so that every Filipino family can enjoy the benefits of natural remedies for parenting.

· Effective. Herbal plants have been scientifically studied to support the benefits claimed to include in any business. These studies are recognized and acknowledged by the medical community have proven the effectiveness recommended to treat many diseases. Ampalaya, for example, is known to contain elements of anti-diabetic. This argument for the efficacy of ampalaya as an aid in the treatment of diabetes was clinically proven by several studies that have been identified to plant ampalaya insulin that the patient lowers blood sugar, normalizes, and enable the production of insulin in the body.

· Easy to prepare. Many of the herbs that are recommended and are known for medicinal values are very easy to prepare. Bayabas and lagundi, for example, have used that only the direct application of the leaves need the affected area. Also usually have to cook simple decoctions of the plant leaves and roots. These processes clearly show that we do not really rely on commercially manufactured medicines, as the preparation of herbal treatments, but not too much trouble.

· Practical and cost-effective. Besides all the advantages identified herein, there is an advantage for the use of medicinal herbs and condescending - it is cost effective so it is a practical option. These preparations are considerably cheaper than chemically manufactured drugs, and more importantly, the results are the same as modern medicines. It was discussed that these plants can be homegrown, or wild in abundance. Therefore, it is much cheaper than modern medicines produced by pharmaceutical giant, and sold in pharmacies.