Monday, October 4, 2010

simple exercise of walking can reinvigorate the mind

We all know that exercise is good for our bodies, but researchers have now proven that the simple exercise of walking can reinvigorate the mind, even after a setback as serious as stroke.

According to research done at Johns Hopkins, the University of Maryland, even individuals who suffered a stroke 20 years ago can improve both their mobility and their brain function by the simple exercise of walking.

In a test done with 70 stroke victims, researchers found that walking on a treadmill for 40 minutes 3 times per day not only increased their physical fitness, but also increased brain activity. In this test, participants were divided into 2 groups. One group did stretching exercises and the other group walked - many with the aid of a therapist or walking assistant. After 6 months the walking group shows significant gains, while the stretching group showed little improvement in brain activity.

Stroke is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States, and for those fortunate enough to survive, both physical impairment and mental confusion can be the result.

Stroke occurs when there's lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain. The severity of the stroke's effects depends in part upon the part of the brain that was affected. Another factor is the volume and duration of the oxygen shortage.

Some are mildly affected and bounce back as if nothing had ever happened, while others never regain use of parts of their body, including the ability to speak. Others suffer from mental confusion.

Many doctors believe that physical and speech therapy must accomplish their results within the first six months following a stroke in order to have any positive effect. This study proved that wrong, since some of the participants who saw increased brain activity had suffered their strokes as much as 20 years prior to the study.

After considering this study, it follows that regular walking exercise should be beneficial to the brain function of those who have not suffered a stroke.

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