The vast majority of people in modern society don't have to worry about a Vitamin B deficiency, since it is added to many of the foods we eat on a daily basis. But some people may be at risk at not getting enough in their diet.
There are four groups of people who may not be getting enough Vitamin B in their diets. The first are people who abuse alcohol. This is because alcohol blocks your body's mechanism to absorb the different B vitamins. In addition, drinking alcohol tends to make you excrete B vitamins more quickly so your body has less time to absorb them.
The second group of people who may be at risk of Vitamin B deficiency is the elderly. Many elderly people eat less and don't necessarily eat a balanced diet, putting them at risk. Their bodies also don't extract as much Vitamin B from the foods they eat. One of the signs of Vitamin B deficiency is depression, which can be one of the first symptoms to spot in an elderly person.
The third group that should be concerned about proper Vitamin B intake is people who smoke. Smoking decreases your body's ability to absorb B vitamins. Since health doses of Vitamin B helps reduce the chance of a heart attack, it is particularly important for smokers to ensure they get enough.
Lastly, people who suffer from chronic digestive problems often don't get enough Vitamin B. This is either because they don't eat enough (or a balanced diet), or because their intestines aren't able to extract nutrients as efficiently as they should.
If you fall into one of these categories, it is important that you talk with your physician to determine what you can do to ensure you're getting enough Vitamin B in your diet.
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