It makes sense that your child does not like it if some food, but you can help them to widen their food and enjoy a nutritious and balanced range of foods.
Making changes
Just because a child as a first course is offered does not mean they will never want.
It may be difficult for parents to swallow, but a child may need a new flavor vegetables 10 times or more before they allow or fun.
(I use fruit as an example because it is a common problem for parents, but you can apply the technique to other food)
It is important to encourage a kid to try a new diet, but do not force them. In fact, taste buds are unique to each one of us, and just because we see something really good, but that does not mean others do.

Familiar with the "new" vegetable. Tell them what it is, maybe how it has grown - and even a pick-up at the supermarket. Then involve them in the preparation or cooking and left them there to serve.
If a child is very restless, prepare the same way every day - two different styles of preparation, the vegetables seem to have two different vegetables. If more than one style of preparation or cooking - you get to choose the child he thinks is better.
Make a game of the idea of trying new foods - and participate in it - to try a new self - and say that the child is new to you and maybe needed a bit of "training tastebud"
Increase gradually. Encourage your child to taste new vegetables - just a little to serve on their board and let them know they need only try - not to make a drama out of it if they want. Just ask them to keep trying for a while about a week or so. Explain that they are "training their taste buds.
When they eat, give them some praise, not to punish a child for a denial of a plant. Although it is important for all of us to eat fruit, have enough to try it.
Never give a negative response like "You will not grow up to be a big boy if you do not eat your vegetables" should be. Take a more positive way - and talk about successful athletes etc and explain that they are so because of the food - and their training and practice.
child is unlikely that a new diet to try if no one else in the family is eating it. Also, as brothers without food.
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