Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Maintaining a Healthy Liver

The liver has an amazing body that monitors all the blood and chemicals. As we now know, life nearly 500 known functions and is believed to have more than 2500 functions. Here is a partial list of the things that the liver is not:

OIT filters the blood;

oPurifies and clear the waste, toxins and drugs;

oRegulates and secrete substances that are important to preserve physical function and health,

oRestores important nutrients like glycogen (glucose), vitamins, and minerals;

oMetabolizes fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

If the liver is damaged or filled with toxic substances, but to all other functions and systems in our body. Therefore, I am sure you agree that it is very important to our lives in tip-top form. Here are some ways to do this.

First and foremost make sure you cleanse and detoxify the liver. There are many methods on the market that you can help. Personally I use Watkins's / restore, because it is easy and soft on my belly, and inexpensive, but there are other programs that use the. Look around, do your homework and make sure something is safe and effective choice. Fasting is also a good way to the liver - a three-day water and juice fast detoxification is useful and not long enough to be a real discomfort.

After detoxification, maintain your liver in good condition by leading a healthy lifestyle:

oDrink water

oDon't drink lots of alcohol and not smoke

RTA is low fat, balanced diet

RTA slowly and with regular hours

RTA and eat a light meal early. Eat heavy objects after 6:00

You OIF are over weight, lose the excess pounds. If you already have a good weight, stay fit.

ODO do not drink more than 2-3 cups of coffee or tea contains caffeine per day

Science enough sleep

oExercise on a daily basis

Otake plenty of antioxidant-filled foods and dietary supplements acai berry, green tea (I recommend HerbaSway fire when it is decaffeinated), blueberry and grape seed capsules (cooking with grape seed oil is also very beneficial for your liver and overall health)

Domiciliary Agent Ouse and personal care products that are not filled with toxic chemicals

Keep your liver is in good shape is very important to good health. Make sure the detoxing or twice a year and follow the tips listed above.

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