569,490 people expected to die from it. Men have about 50% chance of being diagnosed with cancer, while women have a 33% chance.
It is estimated that one third of cancer deaths caused by poor eating habits, physical inactivity and obesity.
Because of these find a lot of people are now turning to more natural way to combat cancer, rather than relying exclusively on chemotherapy. When changing your diet will not replace necessary medical care when they are diagnosed may help your body to fight cancer.
Even if you have been diagnosed with cancer or are currently in remission, but not the healthiest diet, those cancer, food safety to be a good start to prevent your body from an easy target for cancer cells.
Other 1%
Pollution 2%
Drugs 2%
UV ray exposure by 2%
Obesity and lack of exercise by 5%
Alcohol 3%
Work related exposure to 5%
Infection 5%
Hereditary factors of 15%
Smoking 30%
Bad eating habits 30%
These statistics are surprising to many people. The first thought that goes through our minds when we hear about a friend who is diagnosed with cancer is rare, it must have had bad eating habits. We are more inclined to think of smoking, alcohol or inheritance.
To help your body fight and prevent cancer, American Cancer Society lists the following four recommendations:
-Maintain a healthy weight
-Adopt a physically active lifestyle
-Consume a healthy diet
-Limit alcohol
Eating to fight cancer
These are some of the best food fight with cancer because of their strong anti-cancer phytochemicals
Tomatoes turmeric
Blueberries berries
Strawberry Citrus
Tea Soy bean pods
Garlic cabbage
Brussel sprouts Ginger
Cauliflower and broccoli are extremely effective in the fight against cancer. They should be slightly cooked and well chewed cancer-absorbing properties properly.
These are all foods that can easily integrate into your daily diet, and some of them are probably already staples in your household.
It's easier to keep your body could prevent cancer now, than it is to fight too often lost in later fighting.
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