Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lemon Benefits for Health

Lemonade is known to have been used as a drink fresh from the time of the Mongols. Modem investigations have tended to support this use, the essential oil is very good for cooling the body. Can extend this use of the employment of lemon juice with water and sugar as the best drink to take when you have a fever

When body temperature is high, both from the effects of the sun or from the results of the disease, it is necessary to take regular drinks to prevent dehydration. Sugar unwanted usually part of a healthy diet, however, has its part to play with lemon, and although is no doubt that the addition of honey if available to a large extent to be preferred.

I have been using vitamin (c) high content of lemon for hundreds of years to ward off scurvy among sailors and travelers. There is little sodium, and therefore good fruit as a flavoring for those on a diet low in salt.

Because in some of the lemon-producing countries to extend the keeping properties and improve appearance by coating them with chemicals and wax vinyl and fruits, is a wise precaution to wash with soap and water a little lemon on the unscented and then rinse thoroughly before converting the whole fruit to juice.

Leaving the core of juicing is excellent for the skin, and can also calm the bites and insect bites. If you add equal parts of water and toilets of glycerin to the remnants of the mixture can be to keep the hands soft.

Demonstrated Doctors Morel and Rochaix that the extraction of lemon when vaporized and neutralize the bacteria of meningococcus, typhoid, pneumococcus and staphylococcus in 15-180 minutes.

And tends gastronomical French Charles Richet, and is said by Dr. Valnet discovered that lemon juice in addition to raw oysters before eating them destroys 92% of the bacteria within 15 minutes. There is good reason to wait before eating!

This information is relevant to the idea that lemon juice is the most important treatment for use in all cases of respiratory infection and Omnct year.

Provided that the juice is diluted with water, and there is no risk in taking any reasonable quantity of lemon juice. Make sure to choose a company and lemon colored and clear, which had not started to wilt. Can be monitored the first signs of aging, where he was once attached to the stem to the fruit.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Geeting Better Health and Great Body with Personal Training

Everyone wants to a have a great body these days. Everyone wants to look attractive with lean muscles and muscular endurance. Everyone wants to lose those extra kilos and everyone wants to lead a healthy lifestyle. Everyone has a lot of goals in mind but not everyone knows how to accomplish them.

If you have fitness related issues and want to achieve weight loss, lean muscles, strength, stamina, a great body and so on, then choosing a good personal trainer is a great option. Everyone is not aware, but everyone does need the help of a personal trainer to shape their lives. If you are also looking to make a difference, then get a personal trainer for yourself now.

Personal training can help you to meet a number of goals, can help you to improve your health and fitness level and can also give you a great shape which people will admire. When people are overweight, they suffer from a number of diseases and sicknesses. Regular training with fitness professional can aid in weight loss.

Most people have already tried a number of techniques to lose weight and have been unsuccessful. This has made them believe that they cannot lose weigh at any cost. This is wrong. People need to change their thinking and need to believe that the effective out there for losing weight is personal fitness training.

Moreover, people who are already slim, seek to have a great body with muscles and all. Personal fitness training can help you to achieve this as well. You will build lean muscles instead of fat and you will have a great shape and physique overall.

Getting a personal trainer will help to ward off diseases and sicknesses as well. You will be improving the quality of your life and will take pride in whatever you do. Moreover, you will have increased strength and stamina to carry out tasks effectively.

Source :,-Fitness-and-a-Great-Body&id=3313730

Monday, October 4, 2010

simple exercise of walking can reinvigorate the mind

We all know that exercise is good for our bodies, but researchers have now proven that the simple exercise of walking can reinvigorate the mind, even after a setback as serious as stroke.

According to research done at Johns Hopkins, the University of Maryland, even individuals who suffered a stroke 20 years ago can improve both their mobility and their brain function by the simple exercise of walking.

In a test done with 70 stroke victims, researchers found that walking on a treadmill for 40 minutes 3 times per day not only increased their physical fitness, but also increased brain activity. In this test, participants were divided into 2 groups. One group did stretching exercises and the other group walked - many with the aid of a therapist or walking assistant. After 6 months the walking group shows significant gains, while the stretching group showed little improvement in brain activity.

Stroke is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States, and for those fortunate enough to survive, both physical impairment and mental confusion can be the result.

Stroke occurs when there's lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain. The severity of the stroke's effects depends in part upon the part of the brain that was affected. Another factor is the volume and duration of the oxygen shortage.

Some are mildly affected and bounce back as if nothing had ever happened, while others never regain use of parts of their body, including the ability to speak. Others suffer from mental confusion.

Many doctors believe that physical and speech therapy must accomplish their results within the first six months following a stroke in order to have any positive effect. This study proved that wrong, since some of the participants who saw increased brain activity had suffered their strokes as much as 20 years prior to the study.

After considering this study, it follows that regular walking exercise should be beneficial to the brain function of those who have not suffered a stroke.

Source :

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Health and Fitness and The Better Sex Diet

There are many reasons we need to make sure to eat a balanced diet. We want to stay healthy so we can do and see all the things that we can and also so that we can be there to enjoy time with our loved ones. Good nutrition is not only good for strong bones and muscles, for the heart or to help reduce our risk of diseases and other health conditions, nutrition also gives us energy to do the activities we enjoy. One of these activities for many people is being able to being sexually intimate with our loved ones. As we get older, we may worry that we do not have enough energy for this and many men worry that they may not be performing well. It is important for men to eat the proper nutrition for the whole body and for their sexual health as well.

According to, Health and Fitness and "The Better Sex Diet" it is important to get your blood circulating and foods high in omega 3 fatty acids such as mackerel, salmon and wild salmon can help with this. According to Dr Barbara Bartlik, an assistant professor of psychiatry and sex therapist with the Human Sexuality Program at Weill Cornell Medical Center, these foods will help the nervous system and keep circulation going which will help the sex drive.

Having good circulation helps with a better erectile response, so eating foods that contain L-Arginine such as: granola, oatmeal, peanuts, cashews, walnuts, dairy, green vegetables, root vegetables, garlic, ginseng, soybeans chickpeas and seeds may help with this.

Also, eating more soy in your diet can be beneficial to the prostate and this can also benefit a woman's sexual health as well. Foods that are good for weight loss also have been shown to boost sexual health because obesity can put men at risk for erectile dysfunction and other problems such as low testosterone.

Also, too much saturated fat can in time clog the arteries which will prevent blood from reaching the genital region and possibly lower sexual performance. So it is important to not only eat foods that are good for your heart but for your sexual health as well. However, not getting enough fat can also be a problem because we need fat to keep our hormones and sex drive going. Eating foods such as: olive oil, nuts and salmon are foods with the good kind of fat needed to keep the sex drive going.

There are many reasons why we all need to keep our bodies healthy and to eat the proper nutrition. It not only keeps our muscles, and bones healthy and reduces our risk for diseases, but it can also help us to enjoy many activities one of which may be having sex with your loved ones. This will not only keep you happy and healthy, but keep your loved ones happy and healthy as well.

Source :

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Nutrition Essential Health Components and Related Disease

Nutrition is the provision to body cell and other component to support life. It is a component that is essential for growth and development of our body. An appropriate amount of nutrition gives well developed immune system that helps in protecting us from different types of diseases. The researches have shown that the daily intake of right amount of nutrients provide us healthy living and help us to fight against poverty and hunger.

If nutrition is so much important, then let's discuss more about it.

Nutrition is a vast topic that covers knowledge of large amount of minerals, vitamins, and other essential entities. Nutrients can be classified into two groups- macro-nutrient and micro-nutrients.

  1. Macro nutrients- carbohydrates, protein and fats
  2. Micro-nutrients- minerals and vitamins


These nutrients are essential to maintain the structure of our body. Carbohydrates is said to be the reservoir of energy. They liberate starch and glucose that are vital for the normal functioning of our body. Proteins are body building materials that help in growth and development of our bones and muscles. Fats are also essential, as they store and liberate energy, when required.

All these three compounds- carbohydrates, proteins and fats are the compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in different ratios.

Micro nutrients

It consists of minerals and vitamins. Both of these entities are important for providing protection to our body system. Deficiency of any of the mineral or vitamin can cause disease or lead to impaired immune system and poor psychological health.

It has been observed that each and every of them are important to complete our diet plan.

Food groups

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Dairy products
  • Cereals and pulses
  • Poultry, fish and meat products

Each of the above mentioned food group has it own nutritional value. Remember the proper amount of calorie intake is must from each and every of this group. Hence, you need to consume all of these food groups in an appropriate amount. It is because of this fact that it is suggested to attend nutritional campaign. It helps parents to apt for right amount of nutrients to their child.

Nutrition related diseases

Disease can be caused either by over nutrition or deficiency of nutrition. Taking nutrition in excessive amount can result in accumulation of fats in our body. It can even lead to cardiovascular problem. Let it be over consumption of iron or vitamins, each of it have its own disorders related to it.

Any of these components, if consumed in less amount, can also be the cause deficiency diseases in our body. Beri beri, scurvy, anemia and thyroid are some of such diseases.

Looking into the above stated statements, it is must to have proper intake of different food components to have both physical and mental growth. Hence, it become utmost important to not to overlook this matter either it is for you or for your kids. Thus, teach your child the healthy eating habits and give him the proper protection or resistance against diseases.

Source :

Friday, October 1, 2010

some ideas for increasing your odds of having a long and healthy life

Without good health it will be difficult to make your dreams come true. Vitality and energy are by products of good health and are needed to achieve career success, excellent relationships, and many other goals.

There are no guarantees, but here are some ideas for increasing your odds of having a long and healthy life.

1. Drink plenty of water.

Much of our body and brain are made up of water. You need water to stay hydrated, to flush out toxins, to assimilate nutrients from food, and for your brain to function properly. Drinking plenty of water also keeps your skin from becoming dry and prematurely wrinkled from dehydration.

How much water do you need a day? Rule of thumb is to drink one half of your weight in ounces each day. For example, if you weighed 130 pounds, you would need 65 ounces or approximately two quarts of water a day. If you do strenuous exercise or work, you will need even more water.

Coffee, tea, and soda are not substitutes for water. They actually are dehydrating and if you drink them you will need more water. Even fruit juice is not a substitute for water because it comes from a food source and is not a true solvent.

Drinking tap water is better than not getting enough but it is best to drink water which has been purified naturally or through reverse osmosis or distillation. Only some of the bottled water meets these criteria.

I have a habit of carrying a bottle of water wherever I go and I drink at least one half of my weight in ounces every day.

2. You need a little sunshine.

It is true that you can get too much sun but we need some sunshine. Ten to twenty minutes of daily early morning or late evening sun is beneficial.

Sunshine gives you vitamin D which you need so your bones can absorb calcium. Without enough vitamin D our bones can become brittle and break. It is unnatural to spend all of our time indoors. We need fresh air and a little sunshine to maintain excellent health.

Several years ago I worked in a high rise and I was getting very little sunshine. I had a blood test and learned that I was low in Vitamin D and I was starting to experience some bone loss. Since that time I have been taking a vitamin D supplement and I try to get a minimum of 10-15 minutes of early morning or late evening sunshine several days a week. I have checked my level of vitamin D periodically and it has been normal.

3. Exercise is important.

Our bodies need movement and physical activity. Proper exercise slows down our physical deterioration.

We need three types of exercise: Flexibility, aerobic, and strength training.

A. Flexibility exercise.

As we age our bodies become stiffer. Yoga, swimming, tai chi, or just doing stretching helps us to maintain flexibility.

B. Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise.

Walking, biking, jogging, dancing, and sports which help you to stay in your working heart rate for 20-30 minutes are beneficial to your heart. Charts are available to determine the working heart rate for your age bracket.

C. Strength training exercise.

This exercise keeps your muscles firm and strong. It also keeps your bones strong when combined with proper nutrition. This type of exercise includes weight lifting (it can be light weights), calisthenics, and machines which provide resistance.

Unless we are an athlete or compete in sports we do not need to spend a large amount of exercising. Like anything else it can be overdone and then the returns diminish. Moderation has its benefit.

My personal exercise program does not require a lot of time. I spend twenty minutes a day taking a fast walk for aerobic benefit plus five minutes jumping on a small trampoline (rebounder). I do five minutes of yoga a day plus five to ten minutes on an inverter table for stretching & flexibility. I exercise for ten to fifteen minutes twice a week with light weights for strength training.

If your diet is good, a mild to moderate exercise program is sufficient to stay fit.

4. Eat well.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are among the most important foods you can eat. The greater the variety of colors, the better because they contain different types of antioxidants. Antioxidants strengthen your immune system and slow the aging process. Fresh produce is best, frozen is second best, and the least nutritious are canned fruits and vegetables.

It is beneficial to eat some raw foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. They contain enzymes which are frequently destroyed when the food is cooked. Enzymes help with digestion and increase our energy. Eating a salad with one or two meals a day is a great habit.

When you eat raw food, know your sources to avoid bacteria contamination. Whole grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts are beneficial. Raw nuts, seeds, fruit, and vegetables contain energy in addition to vitamins and minerals.
Fast foods, food high in sodium, saturated fat, transfats and sugar are best avoided or reduced.

I have been a lacto-vegetarian (includes diary but no eggs, fish, chicken, or meat) since I was in my thirties (over 30 years). For the past two years I have been vegan (includes seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes but no meat or diary).

Following some of these simple and common sense health tips can increase your chances of living a healthy and enjoyable life.

Source :