Monday, January 4, 2010

Understanding the Right Ways For a Liver Cleansing Diet

Stress, fatigue, junk and spicy food, metal pollution, pesticides, medicines and so many other things rule our lives each day. Liver is supposed to be the filtration system of our body, and it does work effectively. But, it gets over burdened with so much pollution each day. A liver cleansing diet is very advantageous for detoxifying and refreshing our liver. In addition, detoxification of the liver can boost the immunity system, lessen your allergies and can also help in losing weight. To get maximum outcome from liver cleansing diet it is important to know the right foods that aid in the diet and the food to avoid.

A light fasting is usually carried out before starting the liver cleansing diet. It helps in flushing out the excess toxins from body. You are normally required to drink a lot of water, fruit and vegetable juices and eat them fresh and raw. After doing it for a few days, you will notice a marked increase in your eating habits. But, now you have to be careful about eating the right food and avoiding wrong foods.

Foods to eat: One should eat a lot of fresh, healthy and whole foods and drink plenty of water. Raw fruits and vegetables actually form the main part of the liver detoxifying diet. The foods to include in the diet are:

- Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals and are high on fiber. Make sure that the fruits and vegetables must always be fresh, do not eat canned fruits. These must form at least 1/3rd of your whole diet. You can eat them whole or make a juice and then drink.

- Whole grains & legumes like brown rice, oatmeal; these foods help in increasing your digestion and the beans are loaded with liver cleaning fiber.

- Include oils like Omega-3 in your diet. It helps in cleaning the liver and is found in flaxseed, oily fish, walnuts etc. Avocado is not only yummy to eat! It also is a great source of healthy oils.

Foods to avoid: eating packaged and processed foods is a big no-no when you are on the liver detoxifying diet. The foods that you must avoid are:

- Any and all kinds of packaged food found in the tetra packs, boxes, cans etc.

- Avoid eating refined and processed sugars and it is suggested that you completely avoid eating sugar completely. Though if extra sweetening is required then you can use the natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup or agave nectar, though eat them in moderation.

- Foods high on fat like fried and junk fare must be avoided completely.

- Avoid eating foods that contain preservatives, antibiotics and pesticides.

- Alcohol is anyways bad for the liver, if you can, please completely avoid it.

To completely cleanse your liver do not overeat. Have small meals through out the day. The breakfast is a compulsory affair and should be the largest meal. Do not eat a full and heavy meal during dinner. A normal 8 hours of sleep is necessary.

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