Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Three natural herbs are used to control and lower blood sugar levels

Although it is difficult, usually type 2 diabetes and will do everything they need to do to reduce levels of sugar in the blood. Diabetics make every effort to follow the healthy eating plan, increasing physical activity and may even include herbs in their own treatment plan to help insulin resistance. Has demonstrated all of these actions to help weight loss and low levels of sugar in the blood. So why chose herbal medicines?

The use of herbal medicine can treat many diseases of the body without serious side effects. A tradition which dates back thousands of years. Not only can herbs lower blood sugar levels but also can reduce type 2 diabetes is damage to your body. While herbs are not the only way to reduce the proportion of sugar in the blood, it is ideal for you to be included in the plan of your treatment. However, before you include the herbal medicine and it is a good idea to check with your doctor what herbs may be contraindicated with some medications that may be with other health conditions, such as high blood pressure.

Three natural herbs are used to control and lower blood sugar levels as follows:

Bitter Melon: Watermelon is the bitter fruit of choice in the form of a green gourd with like bumps all over its surface. Is it really does not look pretty. Often eaten as a vegetable in Asia but has been used widely immature bitter melon in folk medicine. Scientific evidence shows bitter melon has the ability to reduce blood sugar levels in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Monitor the bitter melon is composed of several compounds which have effects blood sugar, these compounds have an effect similar to insulin so that care be taken when this herb, including in the plan of your treatment. Bitter melon improves glucose tolerance and can reduce the symptoms of diabetes type 2. Can be added fresh juices or decoctions are the preferred forms and cinnamon to improve the flavor. And can instead can buy bitter melon supplements in health food stores.

Cinnamon: The Modern Science and an examination of the benefits of cinnamon, I have found to be among the best fighters to achieve a reduction in blood sugar levels by increasing the activity of insulin. The decreased levels of sugar in the fasting levels of 18-29% among people with cinnamon. Also, decreased levels of cholesterol by 7 to 27%, and triglyceride levels were reduced by 23 to 30%. You can sprinkle cinnamon powder on your fresh fruit or oatmeal. Ground spices, cinnamon is less expensive than capsules.

Gymnema Sylvestra: This is the herb of the Ayurvedic medical traditions of India and used for centuries to neutralize the sugar overload. Some research in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes and found that they can increase the secretion of insulin from the pancreas private. Gymnema Sylvestre can be slow, also decreased the absorption rate of sugar in your digestive system ... Of course, it will be all of these interactions lead to low levels of sugar in the blood.

This is so very bitter tasting herb supplements are usually recommended. A dose of 75-150 mg. Of sylvestra gymnema standard set forth in many cases is a day.

As you can see, and some drugs the most promising alternative to reduce the levels of sugar in the blood come from nature.

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