Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Health Benefits of Organic Herbal Teas

Are producing all kinds of organic herbal tea (green, black, and tea), Camellia sinensis plant using different methods.

New leaves from the plant Camellia sinensis of steam for the production of herbal green tea, and brewed and usually drunk and drinks, although they can be taken in capsule form, is sometimes used in leather products.

Organic herbal tea is well known for its antioxidant properties, along with anti-inflammatory properties and their own fight against cancer.

Organic herbal tea and extremely popular today, due to the very method of growth and treatment, which goes a long way to protect our natural resources, rather than draining.

Also classified into organic, grown and herbal tea on the land that was free from the use of synthetic fertilizers and growth regulators, insecticides or herbicides for a period of not less than three years, so methods such as composting, crop rotation, planting things to control weeds and pests, and all using soil regeneration, by farmers to maintain the health and preservation of our planet.

What distinguishes organic black tea, black tea is normal that it is free of pesticides, and grow by using the methods mentioned above.

Herbal tea is famous for its black and red in color and clear, bright, strong smell and taste mellow, and it was ready with the tea of high quality organic tea plantation ecosystems on the mountain in southwestern China. It comes from the same plant Camellia Sinensis, green tea, but the only difference is in the process of fermentation of black tea's, and more oxidative species, green, Oolong and white.

People who have been drinking herbal tea organic for some time, it is clear that given the benefits of this tea organically, such as bacteria have the ability to destroy, which can help prevent food poisoning, which may also be glad to know that green tea can even help prevent tooth decay, and can also kill bacteria that cause dental plaque.

Evidence has shown clearly in the herbal tea of the world, that there are health benefits are endless green tea and black organic herbs.

Many scientists believe that there is a relationship between each of the components of green tea, and these properties together account for health promotion in the properties, and their popularity will continue to rise as scientists learn more about these medicinal benefits.

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